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Part ‘A’ : Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit 1 : Human Geography: Nature and Scope

1.Human Geography : Nature and Scope,

Unit 2 : People

1.Population of the World : Distribution, Density and Growth, 2. Population Composition, 3 .Human Development,

Unit 3 : Human Activities

1.Primary Activities, 2 .Secondary Activities, 3 .Tertiary and Quarternary Activities,

Unit 4 : Transport, Communication and Trade

1.Transport and Communication, 2 .International Trade,

Unit 5 : Human Settlements

1.Human Settlements

Part ‘B’ : India—People and Economy

Unit 6 : People

1. Population : Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition, 2 .Migration—Types, Causes and Consequences, 3 Human Development],

Unit 7 : Human Settlement

1.Human Settlements,

Unit 8 : Resources and Development

1.Land Resources and Agriculture, 2 .Water Resources, 3 .Mineral and Energy Resources, 4.Manufacturing Industries, 5.Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context,

Unit 9 : Transport, Communication and International Trade

1.Transport and Communication, 2 .International Trade,

Unit 10 : Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

1.Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems,

Part ‘C’ : Practical Work

Unit 1 : Processing of Data and Thematic Mapping

1.Data : Source and Collection, 2.Processing of Data, 3 .Representation of Data, 4. Use of Computers in Data Processing and Mapping,

Unit 2 : Field Study or Spatial Information Technology

1.Field Study, 2. Spatial Information Technology.

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