Product Information
Main Highlights of Finance Act, 2022
1. Income Tax – An Introduction, 2. Important Definitions, 3. Assessment on Agricultural Income, 4. Exempted Incomes, 5. Residence and Tax Liability, 6. Income From Salaries, 7. Income From Salaries (Retirement and Retrenchment), 8. Income From House Property, 9. Depreciation, 10. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession, 11. Capital Gains, 12. Income From Other Sourecs, 13. Income Tax Authorities, 14. Clubbing of Income and Aggregation of Income, 15. Set – Off and Carry Forwaord of Losses, 16. Deductions from Gross Total Income, 17. Assessment of Individuals (Computation of Total Income), 18. Computation of Tax Liability of Individuals, 19. Tax Deduction at Source, 20. Assessment Procedure, 21. Penalties,, Offenece and Prosecutions, 22. Appeal and Revision, 23. Tax Planning, 24. Recovery and Refunds of Tax, 25. Advance Payment of Tax, 26. Assessment of Hindu undivided of Persons and Computation of Tax Liability,
New Tax Regine
Rebate and Relief in Tax
Provisions and Procedure of Filing the Return of Income and e-Filing of Income Tax and TDS Returns.
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